
Medicaid Cuts Will Affect Older Adults

Posted on June 29, 2017 - How will Medicaid cuts affect older adults? Says a New York Times op-ed, “Many American voters think Medicaid is only for low-income adults and their children — for people who aren’t ‘like them.’ But Medicaid is not ‘somebody else’s’ insurance. It is insurance for all of our mothers and fathers and, eventually, for ourselves.”

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British Study Calls for End to “Age Apartheid”

Posted on June 26, 2017 - Like our own country, Britain is in the midst of a polarizing political situation—made worse by intergenerational tension. A recent report from the organization United for All Ages pinpointed part of the problem: the generations spend much less time together than they once did! We hear about people of various political beliefs isolating themselves into a “bubble.” It seems that the generations, too, spend less time interacting.

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An Overview of Long-Term Care Financing

Posted on June 21, 2017 - Will you need long-term care? What’s available? Who pays? The Motley Fool provides a quick overview of an important topic.

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An Exercise Lesson from Our Ancestors of Long Ago

Posted on June 19, 2017 - When we look at fossils of early man, we might be in awe of their heavy, powerful bones. Yet research from University of Cambridge in the UK reveals the surprising truth that our own bones have the potential to be just as strong.

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Yoga For Seniors

Posted on June 14, 2017 - More seniors are trying yoga. Here’s a Seattle program designed especially for people older than 50.

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