
More Seniors Than Ever, Says New Census Report

Posted on August 10, 2017 - The data is in: the U.S. population is older than ever before. What’s the oldest state? Which county saw the greatest age jump over the last 20 years? And what does this all mean for our seniors, families, workplaces and the healthcare system? To learn more, read “More Seniors Than Ever, Says New Census Report.”

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Sleep and Dementia

Posted on August 8, 2017 - During the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, researchers reported new insights on the relationship between sleep disorders and dementia.

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When a Loved One Is Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, Should They Give Up the Car Keys?

Posted on August 3, 2017 - Most people assume that a person who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia should give up driving right away. Yet it’s not as clear cut as that, say experts. How can you know if a loved one is unsafe behind the wheel? To learn more, read “When a Loved One Is Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, Should They Give Up the Car Keys?”

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Four Myths About Seniors and Oral Health

Posted on August 1, 2017 - Tooth loss, gum disease and dry mouth are just normal conditions as we grow older, right? Wrong, say experts. And this mistaken belief can cost older adults their all-around health. To learn more, read “Four Myths About Seniors and Oral Health.”

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Can Skin Care Products Really “Turn Back Aging”?

Posted on July 25, 2017 - Do those “before” and “after” photos of anti-aging products look a little phony to you? The FDA is cracking down on companies that sell these products. Although none of these creams and supplements actually remove years from your face, they can remove big bucks from your wallet! But there are legitimate ways to protect our skin. To learn more, read “Can Skin Care Products Really ‘Turn Back Aging’?”

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